STIK's 'Holding Hands' Series: Its History and Meaning

STIK's 'Holding Hands' Series: Its History and Meaning

STIK's 'Holding Hands': From Sculpture to Print

In the realm of contemporary street art, few names are as well known as STIK. Known for his signature minimalist yet emotionally charged stick figure characters, STIK has captured the hearts of many with his poignant social messages and evocative artworks. One of his most significant pieces, 'Holding Hands', has not only made its mark as a public sculpture but also as a striking and meaningful print which can be brought into the home.

STIK, an East London native, began his artistic journey on the streets, using his art as a medium to address issues of homelessness, inequality, and social unity. His stick figures, though simple in form, convey deep emotional narratives and human connections. STIK’s work is accessible, bridging the gap between high art and everyday experience, and this accessibility is a core element of his appeal.


The Holding Hands Sculpture in London

Originally unveiled as a bronze sculpture in Hoxton Square in 2020, 'Holding Hands' quickly became a symbol of unity and togetherness. The sculpture features two of STIK’s signature stick figures standing side by side, their hands gently clasped. This powerful imagery of connection amidst diversity resonated deeply with the public.


Holding Hands, la nueva escultura de STIK en Londres - All City Canvas

The unveiling of the sculpture coincided with a poignant moment in history. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing regulations meant that people were physically separated and unable to engage in simple acts of connection like holding hands. In this context, the 'Holding Hands' sculpture took on an even deeper significance, symbolizing hope and solidarity in a time of physical separation.


Development into Print

Recognizing the widespread impact of the sculpture, STIK decided to translate 'Holding Hands' into a print version. The print retains the essence of the original artwork, capturing the simplicity and emotional depth of the figures. However, the transition to print allows for broader dissemination, making the message of unity and solidarity more accessible to people around the world.

STIK, Full Set Of Hackney Holding Hands Prints 2020 | STIK Prints for Sale 5 x Lithographic print in colour (Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue & Teal) STIK prints for sale, Buy STIK art prints, STIK street art prints. Image shows 5 square images side by side, each image showing a piece of artwork with two stick figures holding hands. Each of the five pieces has a different background colour. in this order: teal, blue, yellow, orange, red.
Set of 5 STIK Holding Hands
Shop the STIK Collection 

Whether in sculpture or print form, 'Holding Hands' encapsulates a universal gesture of love, support, and community. The two figures, one facing east and the other west, symbolize the bridging of divides—be they cultural, geographical, or ideological. This imagery is particularly powerful in today’s context, where the need for empathy and connection is ever more pressing.

The print version of 'Holding Hands' allows individuals to bring a piece of this powerful message into their own homes. It serves as a daily reminder of the importance of human connection and the strength found in unity. The simplicity of the artwork encourages viewers to reflect on their own relationships and the communities they are part of, fostering a sense of shared humanity.


STIK, Signed Hackney Holding Hands Print 2020 | STIK Prints for Sale, Buy STIK art prints, STIK street art prints. Image shows piece of artwork in street art style with two stick figures holding hands, on a orange background STIK, Signed Hackney Holding Hands Print 2020 | STIK Prints for Sale, Buy STIK art prints, STIK street art prints. Image shows piece of artwork in street art style with two stick figures holding hands, on a teal background STIK, Signed Hackney Holding Hands Print 2020 | STIK Prints for Sale, Buy STIK art prints, STIK street art prints. Image shows piece of artwork in street art style with two stick figures holding hands, on a yellow background
Stik, Holding Hands Signed (Orange), 2020 Stik, Holding Hands Signed (Teal), 2020 Stik, Holding Hands Signed (Yellow), 2020
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